Burn those Calories

There are many good reasons for exercising regularly, and burning calories is just one of them. The calories burned during exercise depend on the type of exercise, your body weight, the intensity of the exercise, your metabolism and the length of the exercise. Many exercises are particularly good at burning calories, including aerobics and bicycling. This article will show you how different exercises work at burning off calories.

Flexibility and muscle fitness is also important when it comes to exercising, but people who are trying to lose weight will benefit from spending more time in calorie-burning exercises.

Exercise burns calories by using up the energy that is provided by food. Calories become energy in our body. It is either used up (through exercise) or it is stored. When it is stored, it may become body fat. Participating in regular exercises burns the calories, instead of storing them.

Calorie-Burning Exercises

Every type of exercises burns some amount of calories. Even just breathing uses a certain amount of calories. Performing daily tasks such as walking to work, getting breakfast, doing housework etc, burn calories. However, some types of exercises use up more energy and therefore burn calories at a higher rate.

Strengthening Training

Many people who are exercising solely to lose weight may not spend much (or any) time on strength training exercises under the belief that only cardiovascular exercises will help them burn calories and lose weight. Although cardiovascular exercises will burn more calories per workout, strength training workouts can play a very important role in burning calories. Strength training improves muscle mass, which helps the body burn calories more efficiently. Participating in strength training will help the body burn more calories during other types of exercises.

Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises are very good at burning calories as they use up a lot of energy. The more intense the cardiovascular exercise, the more calories will be burned. The amount of calories burned will depend on the type of exercise, the length of time, the intensity and your metabolism. Spending some time in strength training will help improve your metabolism so that you burn more calories when participating in cardiovascular exercises.

Several tricks can be used to decrease the time needed for cardio. One is to do intervals instead of finding your pace. For example, sprinting and then jogging is more effective than running alone. Intervals keep your heart rateelevated and your metabolism boosted. An additional tool you can use to burn more fat is a diet pill such as Fedramine, which is designed to give your body extra endurance during cardio. A non-herbal solution that is probably more effective than Fedramine would be Phentramin-D, since it is non-herbal, but still available without prescription.
