Deal With a Bee Sting Naturally

A bee sting is never a pleasant experience, especially if it happens to your child! They are painful, cause swelling and can be a real nuisance for weeks after the initial incident if they are not treated properly.

Some people are highly allergic to bee venom and can actually die from going into anaphylactic shock. If you notice any severe itching, redness or difficulty breathing then you need to get to a hospital as soon as possible. Taking an anti-histamine tablet will slow the anaphylactic reaction.

The best thing to do if you get stung by a bee is to remove the stinger as quickly as possible to reduce exposure to the venom. You can do this by using tweezers or scraping it out with your fingers. Try not to pinch the venom sack, but don’t fret about the technique too much, just get it out!

Funnily enough, using honey to reduce the pain and swelling of a bee sting is a wonderful treatment. Honey is a powerful anti-inflammatory and healing solution. Just dab honey on the affected area and wrap it up with a towel for about half an hour.

The venom of a bee sting is very acidic, so using something alkaline will help to neutralise it. You can use baking soda mixed with some water to create an alkaline paste. Let the paste sit on the area for 15-30 minutes before washing it off.

Epsom salts are a fantastic remedy for drawing the venom out of the area. Fill a bowl with cool water and add a cup of Epsom salts. Let the affected area soak in the bowl for about 30 minutes. If the area can’t be reached in that way, make a cool compress with the Epsom salts/water solution and apply.

This Mustard Bath contains epsom salts and is effective for drawing out stings and stopping discomfort.

The tips above should go a long way to reduce any of the swelling, redness and itching associated with a bee sting. If itching continues to bother you simply apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to the area whenever the need arises.
