Eating Plan that helps prevent Cancer

Here is an eating plan that will help prevent the fight against cancer. Local and International research shows that cancers are brought about by diet and lifestyle.  Eating healthily will give you the advantage you need to live a longer, happier life.

Prevent Cancer by eating the right way.

Cancers feed on sugar and some fruits have a high sugar content. Stick to two portions of fruit a day and don’t eat it on an empty stomach. Rather eat it with protein (i.e. nuts or organic biltong, or after a meal). You’ll stabilize your blood sugar levels which is important in preventing inflammation and illness.

Trans fats have been shown to cause cancer. To avoid eating trans fats, stay away from pastries, breads, croissants or biscuits, and read your labels on all processed foods. Stick to a diet of healthy fats. Studies suggest omega-3 fish oil is a powerful anti-carcinogenic and we need to have more of this healthy, natural fat in our every day eating as it is vital for cancer protection.

Water and minerals
Make sure you drink plenty of water (6 to 8 glasses a day) and take a daily supplement. If you had to rely on water to supply all the minerals you need, you’d have to drink a swimming pool a day!  So take a good multivitamin and multimineral supplement daily to ensure you get your quota.

raw foods help prevent cancerVegetables
When buying vegetables soak them in apple cider vinegar and water to remove any harmful chemical sprays or go for organic (and still rinse before use!). Never just open a pillow pack and use – always wash well.

Raw food
There is the misconception that you have to live on raw food to avoid cancer, but for many foods, like carrots, you won’t get all the nutrition from eating it raw. So have a 30-40% raw diet, with the rest 60-70% cooked or lightly steamed.

Day 1
1-2 eggs scrambled (no milk)
1 tomato or few baby tomatoes
Wilted spinach (put in pan with little water to wilt)
Optional: 1 slice of rye bread with real butter
1 cup of herbal tea, no milk or sugar
Home-made soup*
1 slice of home-made bread* or 1 rice cake into the soup instead of croutons.
1 glass of water
1 piece of fruit
10 almonds
1 cup herbal tea, no sugar
1 organic chicken breast, lightly grilled with Himalayan salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and a little lemon juice
1 large salad*
1 baked sweet potato with real butter or olive oil
1 cup of herbal tea or 1 glass of water
Day 2
1 slice of 100% rye with sardines, butter or olive oil, tomato slices and mushrooms
1 cup herbal tea, no milk or sugar
1 large salad with tuna or egg
Home-made dressing or home-made mayonnaise
1 baked potato with olive oil or real butter.
1 glass of water
1 piece of fruit
6 walnuts
Quinoa with roasted vegetables, pineapple pieces, finely chop onion and tomato
Optional: add a handful of cashews
1 cup herbal tea or 1 glass of water
Day 3
1-2 eggs to make a frittata with red pepper strips, onion, and left over roast vegetables from last night. Saute lightly any potato you have left over too, or make a potato latke; sauté
Cup of herbal tea, no milk or sugar
1 large salad with rocket, sliced pear, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and feta cheese
Balsamic dressing you have made.
1 glass of water
1 piece of fruit
handful of pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Baked salmon or hake with steamed vegetables, with a piece of baked salmon or hake placed on top. Make sauce from fresh tomatoes and sautéed onions, and basil
Day 4
¾ cup rolled oats, butter and rice or oat milk
Sprinkle with seeds (linseed, pumpkin, sesame or sunflower seeds) and cinnamon
Optional: add 8 nuts of your choice
1 cup of herbal tea, no milk or sugar
Seaweed wrap made from a seaweed sheet (usually used for sushi). Roll up cashews, butternut, rocket and avocado plus some flaked fish or chicken and eat as a ‘roll’.
1 piece of fruit
2 Brazil nuts
Grilled Yellowtail with butter or olive oil, and lemon juice.
1 large salad of your choice
Home-made dressing
Brown rice
Mushroom risotto
Day 5
Shiitake mushrooms on 100% rye
Optional: add 1 egg
1 cup herbal tea, no milk or sugar
1 large crunchy salad with flaked roast organic duck or chicken.
Home-made mayonnaise.
½ hot roasted butternut
1 piece of fruit
4 organic apricot kernels
Home-made pizza
Base- brown mushy rice, 1 egg to bind
Toppings- tomato paste, mushrooms, pineapple, tuna, peppers, onion, garlic, mozzarella cheese Bake for 8 minutes.
1 large salad
1 glass of water.
Day 6
1 fruit smoothie with 1 fruit, whey protein, nuts, seeds, oats, and water or almond milk
1 cup herbal tea, no milk or sugar
Fresh hake or Mackerel Peel
Brown rice with olive oil and herbs
1 avocado, crumbed feta, olives, rocket, 1 apple and a handful of walnuts with healthy dressingSnack:
1 piece of fruit
Organic biltong (preferably game meat)
Vegetable stir fry with lean organic beef strips, cashew nuts and canola or olive oil
1 crunchy salad
1 glass of water
Day 7
Poached eggs on rye, chopped chives and wilted spinach or kale. Mushrooms and baked beans (with the sauce washed off) would be a good idea too, and a tasty one.
Cup of herbal tea, no milk or sugar
Roast a little leg of lamb for yourself and the family, or cook some lean lamb chops. Serve with steamed vegetables which are brightly coloured (ie. Carrots, butternut, baby marrows, beans, peas etc) and make a gravy from the juices left behind and mixed with an organic Orgran gravy powder.
Big glass of water with your meal
1 piece of fruit
Handful of seeds
Hearty soup with lamb, vegetables, beans, onions and garlic.
1 glass of water

*Adapt eating plan to your own preferences.
Plan based on a healthy individual with no sign of cancer* Sally Ann Creed is a clinical nutritionist and author of two best-sellers, Let Food Be Your Medicine and Women’s Health Journal (Struik). Her website is the largest independent health website in SA offering free information, and can be accessed by clicking
