Healthy Eating for Glowing Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and the foods we choose to eat can either blemish or condition our complexion.

We all crave radiant skin, and spend much of our daily beauty regime trying to improve our complexion.  Many of today’s cosmetic products are enriched with vitamins and minerals, but nothing beats eating the real thing to nourish our skin from within. A basic and balanced diet is essential for healthy skin, and should consists of plenty of fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein and a little fat. Aim to drink 3-4 Litres of water a day to keep your skin well-hydrated and therefore supple.


Edible medicines for your skin

Food is also an effective medicine for the skin, helping it to fight against spots, ageing and even serious skin disease. Deficiencies in important nutrients such as niacin (Vitamin B3), however, can lead to unpleasant skin ailments. So for clean, clear and glowing skin, eat to feed your face.

Natural help for your skin

Even if you don’t have a specific skin problem, it’s worth watching what you eat if you want to ensure it stays that way. A clear complexion can attribute to cleansed, well-nourished skin but you can also boost its condition with food:


Carrot, Basil, Apples, Olives, Ginger,Mushrooms, Radishes, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Coriander and Water Chestnuts all help to strengthen the skin.


Peppers and spicy foods increase the circulation of blood and, therefore, vital nutrients around the body.

Natural Cleansers

The fibre in oatmeal helps flush toxins from the body, resulting in a clear, unblemished skin.

Eat your way to better skin

Your skin will only benefit from a diet rich in fresh foods. Be sure to hydrate your skin by drinking lots of water and wash all fresh fruit and vegetables to remove chemical residues.

Foods for youthful skin

In recent years,skin ageing has been attributed to any excess of free radicals (by-products of energy production) which causes cell damage. Certain substances in food, labelled antioxidants, are thought to help combat the signs of ageing by protecting cells from free radicals.  Antioxidants include:

  • Vitamin C-  Found in citrus fruits, raw cabbage, broccoli and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin E- found in avocados, blackberries, vegetable oils, seeds and nuts.
  • Vitamin A- (or beta carotene)- found in eggs, butter, liver, cantaloupe melon, sweet potatoes, broccoli, green and yellow vegetables, apricots and carrots.
  • Phytochemicals- found in dark leafy vegetables, potatoes, blackcurrants,citrus fruits and garlic.
  • Selenium- found in Brazil nuts, kidneys, lentils, tuna and prawns.

Food to nourish dry skin

Dry, tierd looking skin can often be the result of dehydration, a fat-free diet or nutrient deficiency. Ensure that your diet contains the following:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids- that help to reduce inflammation, are found in oily fish, corn, olive or safflower oil.
  • Zinc- is found in meat, liver, eggs, poultry, prawns, milk, wholegrains, pumpkin seeds.
  • Lycopene- rich cantaloupe and tomatoes help prevent and repair sun damage.
  • Hyaluronic Acid- rich cabbage helps the skin to retain moisture.
  • Eczema causes flaky skin, itch skin. Foods high in essential fatty acids, found in vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, can help to soothe skin bothered by eczema.

Foods to heal problem skin

Unpleasant skin conditions can often be a sign that you need to include specific foods in your diet.

  • Pale and/or itchy skin – may be the result of iron deficiency. common iron rich foods include red meats, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits such as apricots, prunes and raisins, dried beans, potatoes and wholegrain cereals.
  • Scaly skin– may be caused by vitamin B2 deficiency. Vitamin B2 is found in milk, cheese, fish, poultry and green vegetables.
  • Acne prone skin– can  be helped by eating dark, leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, soya and foods rich in Vitamin E, C and zinc, which are also essential for spot-free skin. The amount of oil in your diet can determine the amount of oil in your skin, especially if you are prone to oily skin. Replace full fat milk, cheese and yogurt with low-fat varieties.  
