Help your body fight a cold

Fight colds with The Lifestyle CafeRunny noses, phlegmy coughs and sweating cause us to lose body fluids, leaving us dehydrated and thirsty.

The obvious response is to reach for a hot drink, but as caffeine is also dehydrating, regular tea or coffee will only exacerbate the problem.

Most herbal teas are caffeine-free, however, allowing you to enjoy your warm drink without the dehydrating side-effects.

Boost your immune system by:

  • Drinking more often

Replace moisture lost in coughs and sneezes by drinking regularly throughout the day. It is particularly important to keep hydrated if you have a fever.

  • Boosting your vitamin intake

Fruit juices and soups will quench your thirst while supplying essential vitamins.

  • Getting plenty of rest

Studies have shown that deep sleep increases immune functions. Skipping sleep will simply prolong your cold.

Vitamins to help you boost your immune:

Herbazone Vitamin C

Herbazone Anti-biotic

Herbazone Herbamune Immune Booster
