How to make a cough syrup

Just a few sips of this natural cough syrup will help soothe a sore throat. The anti-bacterial properties of honey also help to fight off throat infections. Organic products are the best in making your cough syrup. Make your own cough syrup with The Lifestyle Cafe

Just a few sips of this natural cough syrup will help soothe a sore throat. The anti-bacterial properties of honey also help to fight off throat infections. To make a simple cough syrup:

1. Pour 300ml of boiling water into a jug containing a sliced lemon and one tablespoon of organic honey.

2. You may then choose to add a cold-busting herb, such as: * Sage – chopped fresh sage helps soothe an aching head. * Ginger – grated fresh ginger stimulates the circulation. * Thyme – A spoonful of choppedfresh thyme will fight infection.

3. Cool, strain and take 20ml spoonful three times a day.
