Mark Twain was the famous author who said that age is an issue of mind over matter, and if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter. I disagree with him when it comes to skin and good looks.
Age, ageing and looks have always mattered, because even during his era fashion and beauty was important and to belong in society, you had to absolutely be fashionably dressed or you were simply removed from the list of desirable guests. There was no TV those days, so what on earth must you do with yourself all evening at home.
We all want to look good and spend hours shopping for the best and patting all sorts of lotions and potions on our bodies. Then I’m not even talking about the cologne and hairstyle that is a whole expedition on its own.
It’s party time and you will want a little bit of extra assistance to combat the lack of sleep which will have an effect on your overall appearance. No problem, just visit Skin Renewal for a bit of help. Whatever it is that you need, a bit of Botox and filler doesn’t do any harm and the results are SO worth it. If it’s pampering you’re after, there’s plenty to choose from at the Skin Renewal clinics for that as well. Perhaps a Mesoglow anti-ageing facial to get rid of that dull looking skin because there are so many good things that is used on your skin, it will make you look years younger!
Either you have tried it and been very happy, or you have been considering it (during those quiet moments in the mirror) but you are not quite ready for radical surgery.
Men generally need a bit more Botox because of their larger muscle than women. The same goes for people with very expressive faces and the size of the areas that you would like to improve, but it’s a procedure that is well worth it.
The improvement after Botox will be subtle and will take a few days for the full effect, but you will definitely notice a positive difference. Any questions or doubts you may have about doing Botox can be answered at your Skin Renewal clinic, and after the treatment there is a follow up visit to make sure that you are satisfied with the results and perhaps a bit of extra to complete perfection.
Most common area treated would be the brow as Botox relaxes frown lines between the brow, forehead and wrinkles around the eyes. You will immediately lose that stern and angry look. Don’t worry, it’s not painful and a few moments of discomfort for such amazing results cannot be bad.
If embarrassing perspiration is a problem, this can also be done as Botox block the chemical signals from nerves that stimulate sweat glands.
Dermal Fillers
Injectable fillers will enhance your looks immediately. Fillers plump up grooves that have formed and induce collagen production. Common areas treated are the lines from the end of the nose to the end of the lips, wrinkles around the lips (and you should stop smoking immediately in any case) and filling in acne scars. Repeated filler injections will ensure a long term result as collagen is continually stimulated.
Liquid Face lift
Feeling a bit tired and a dash older than you should? Then you should consider a 3D Liquid Facelift as this is a combination of Botox and fillers that creates a younger looking you and lines, wrinkles and sagging is addressed on the entire facial area. It’s not radical surgery and makes a noticeable difference to your face. Botox tends to treat the upper part of the face whereas injectable fillers treat the lower part.
Should you need a bit of help in the neck and jaw line area to improve your profile as well as your looks, the Nefertiti neck lift consists of Botox being injected along the jaw line and side of the neck to relax the muscles. Once this has taken effect, you should consider the Titan treatment which permanently shrinks the skin along the jawline and stimulates collagen production in that area.
So go and enjoy the parties, swing from the chandelier and know that being good looking does matter. Happy holidays!
Information from Skin Renewal