Herbazone Deprex Mood Lifter


Deprex can be used for mild to moderate depression, anxiety, lack of drive or moodiness. The formulation consists of Vitamins, Amino Acids and St John’s Wort. For optimal results, use for at least 8 weeks continually. Dosage: 1 to 2 per day.

Deprex kan gebruik word vir ligte tot matige depressie, angstigheid, verlies aan motivering of buierigheid. Die formulasie bestaan uit Vitamiene, Aminosure en St. Jan?s Kruit. Vir optimale resultate, gebruik vir ten minste 8 weke ononderbroke. Dosering: 1 tot 2 kapsules daagliks.



Each Capsule contains a proprietary blend of Vit B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B 12, Folic Acid) Blend of Amino Acids (L-tyrosine, phosphatidylserine, phenylalanine, and acetyl-L-carnitine) St. John¿s Wort (300 mg) Depression affects people differently. Some people cry a lot and feel sad. Others seem angry, irritable, or anxious. For others, depression shows itself in vague physical problems like constipation, muscle aches, and headaches. A depression definition includes a sense of inadequacy and a pessimistic attitude toward life with overtones of despondency and lack of activity.

People may seem ungrateful for all the blessings they have in life, if they admit to feeling depressed. For this reason, many people forgo medical treatment and prescription anti-depressants, yet live with the debilitating condition day in and day out. Deprex provides a natural alternative to prescription medication. It acts like an anti-depressant, although it does not need to be prescribed by a doctor.

The main ingredient of Deprex, St John’s Wort has re-emerged in the past few years as a very effective alternative treatment for depression. It offers a safe, non-addictive alternative to assist the body during times of anxiety, stress, and nervous tension ¿ naturally. Deprex has been used with great success in the treatment of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) in women. PMS often goes hand in hand with feelings of depression, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability.

Deprex would be effective for all these symptoms. The most convincing evidence for the efficacy and safety of St John¿s Wort is a meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal August 1996.

Directions and Dosage:

Take 1 to 2 capsules in the morning. Do not take intermittently for less than 4 weeks at a time. Optimal results may only be experienced after 8 weeks of continued use. Seek medical help if the condition does not improve within 8 weeks. Do not exceed 3 capsules per day.

WARNING: Above information should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation of treatment in any way. It is advised that depression is diagnosed and treated by a medical healthcare practitioner. Any suicidal thoughts need immediate medical intervention. Not suitable for use by children under the age of 14.

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