This unique shampoo is a natural insect repellent, containing Khaki bush Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil, Cajuput Oil and Clove Oil. It wards off mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other insects. It is gentle enough to use on infants. The solution can be used as a pet shampoo or as a shampoo for head lice. It can be sprinkled undiluted in the pantry or around pet cages and food bowls to repel rodent insects.
Hierdie unieke sjampoe is ‘n natuurlike insekafweerder wat Kakiebos ekstrak, Teeboomolie, Laventelolie, Bloekomolie, Pepermentolie, Cajaputolie en Naeltjieolie bevat. Dit weer muskiete, vlieë, bosluise, miere en ander insekte af. Dit is so veilig dat dit selfs op baba’s gebruik kan word. Die oplossing kan onverdund as dieresjampoe gebruik word, terwyl ‘n verdunde oplossing in spense, piekniekplekke en in dierevoerbakke insekte sal afweer.