HerbaZone Herbaheat Gel


HerbaZone Herbaheat combines herbal extracts and essential oils from the medicinal herbs Centella Asiatica, Arnica, Eucalyptus and Mustard,  to produce a warming massage gel for the relief of muscle pain, cramps, stiffness, swelling, painful joints, sprains and bruises.


Herbal Extracts and essential oils from the medicinal herbs Centella Asiatica, Arnica, Eucalyptus and Mustard, have been combined to produce a warming massage gel for the relief of muscle pain, cramps, stiffness, swelling, painful joints, sprains and bruises. It is also effective for the relief of a blocked nose and earache, when applied externally. As a chest rub, it helps to relieve a tight chest.

Kruie ekstrakte en essensiële olies van die medisinale kruie Centella Asiatica, Arnika, Bloekom en Mosterd is gekombineer om ‘n hittegewende masseerjel te vorm wat verligting bied vir spierpyne, krampe, spierstyfheid, swelling, pynvolle gewrigte, spierbeserings en kneusplekke. Dit is ook effektief vir die verligting van ‘n toe neus en oorpyn wanneer dit uitwendig aangewend word. As ‘n borssmeermiddel, is dit effektief om ‘n toe bors te verlig.

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