Simple Ways to Ditch the Doldrums

Some days you wake up feeling blue. There’s no reason for it but your mood has plummeted so far down that you just can’t seem to pick yourself up. Worse, those around you are affected by it too. So what can you do to ditch the doldrums and to make feelings of melancholy a thing of the past?

It’s actually a lot easier than you might think to improve your mindset and to perk up a flagging spirit. The first thing that you can and should do is to try to find out why you feel the way that you do. There could be numerous reasons of course, perhaps you have financial worries, relationship concerns or simply feel a little jaded. It may be that you are tired, run down or just feeling out of sorts. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can really help you to clear any mental clutter and to get your real feelings down in black and white where they become a tangible entity and can be more easily resolved.

If you feel down, you can easily mull over and over things that you have said or done and then bitterly regretted doing so. In fact, it’s incredibly easy to make a mountain out of a molehill and assume that your actions or communications have created an impossible, irresolvable drama. Take a moment to consider whether this could be true. It’s easy to fear the worst case scenario but you may find that nothing is as bad as your imagination predicts it to be. Stop over-thinking.

Turn to natural aids such as St.John’s Wort to help give life a boost. If your brain chemistry is out of sorts, the natural ingredient hypericin can work wonders. St. John’s Wort is renowned for helping to lift low moods but always check for contra-indications if you are on any specific medications as natural does not always mean safe.

The last thing you might want to do is to exercise when you are feeling down but it’s probably one of the best things you can do as it immediately gives you an increased sense of well-being. If you can get out into the countryside, breathe in fresh air and couple your exercise bout with amazing scenery, you will soon recharge those flagging batteries.

If getting out and about is impossible, curl up with a good book, watch a good DVD or simply spend time with a favoured pet, all of these give you a feel-good sense and can help you to appreciate the simple things in life. There is nothing as rewarding as learning to appreciate the things you already have in your life, too often we reach for the stars and forget what wondrous gifts are ours already. Next time you are feeling down, remember all of the good things and all of the amazing things that are yet to come.
