These quick, short tips will help you go into the New Year with that little bit of oomph. Nothing difficult about these 8 tips to help you focus and make 2012 your year.
The Lifestyle Cafe Team are all committed to making this their mantra for the coming year, so if you have questions, want to share your suggestions with us, pop us a mail on
- Inject each day with more activity, adults should try for 35 minutes daily. Make it a routine, walk around the block, even better walk the dog around the block. Take the stairs instead of the lift.
- Dish up in smaller dishes. helps to curb overeating and can assist with weight loss.
- Do you know sodium contributes to water retention? It can also raise blood pressure and contribute to bloat as most adults consume twice the amount they should. Cut down, starting today.
- For those who smoke…do you know that cigarette smoke produces free radicals? Over time the damage can result in conditions like infection, cancer and even heart disease. Try give up this year. Quitting is by far the hardest resolution to stick to, read about the benefits and think about your future and by the end of 2012 you could be a non-smoker.
- The next point is rather strange as a New Year’s resolution but did you know that bacteria in your mouth can lead to serious problems? neglecting oral health can lead to other problems and there is a simple solution…start flossing from today.
- Sun damage starts at an early age but the cancers usually develop in later life. Wear a sunscreen and even in warmer countries in winter. After putting your sunscreen on rub it into your hands as well.
- Do some strength training exercises like push ups, squats and plunges. 10 minutes a day could help you gain more energy, stronger bones and help increase your metabolism.
- Smile and help others. Have you ever heard of the movie “Pay it Forward? Buy it, rent it and from today make an effort to smile and help others, the biggest challenge about this idea is not to expect anything back in return. Try it and see how it changes the people around you as well as yourself.
We hope these few ideas help you make 2012 a great year, for yourself, your family and the people around you.