Weight Loss and Cleansing Drink Recipe

As 2016 begins we may be feeling a bit bloated, fatigued, over-eight and not as well as we may want to feel. This is due to the over indulgence in the festive season, late nights and general unhealthy habits.
Many of us may have resolved to begin January with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, but the truth is that by the time we get back to work or school that resolution has fallen by the way side.

Luckily there are small steps you can take to make sure 2016 is a healthy one. This involves cutting back on junk food, taking short walks daily, and adding a natural detox drink to your daily life.

Here is a simple and tasty recipe for a cleansing drink.

4 glasses of hot water
1 inch of fresh ginger
Juice of ½ lemon
1 teaspoon of raw honey


Finely chop the ginger
Place all ingredients in a glass jug
Let the ginger infuse the hot water for about 2-30 minutes and then remove
Start the day off with a glass of this drink and then sip the rest throughout the day
It can be enjoyed warm or cold

This drink promotes detoxification and boosts digestion, while providing an abundance of health-promoting anti-oxidants. Drinking this daily will soothe the stomach and reduce any inflammation and pain you may be experiencing. Ginger is known for boosting the metabolism and this may help to kick-start your weight loss.
