HerbaZone Muscle Soothing Bath Salt


Herbazone Muscle Soothing bath Salt consists of sea salt which is impregnated with the essential oil, Methyl Salicylate, also known as Wintergreen or Birch Oil. Methyl Salicylate is a derivative of Salicylic Acid, commonly known as aspirin.


HerbaZone Muscle Soothing Bath Salt consists of sea salt which is impregnated with the essential oil, Methyl Salicylate, also known as Wintergreen or Birch Oil. Methyl Salicylate is a derivative of Salicylic Acid, commonly known as aspirin. Therefore it has powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-itching actions which will relieve aches and pains within minutes. It promotes circulation and assists in the relief of symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections. It will assist in relieving itching, experienced in chickenpox.

Bestaan uit seesout wat geimpregneer is met die essensiële olie, Metielsalisilaat, ook bekend as ‘Wintergreen’ of Beuke Olie. Metielsalisilaat is ‘n derivaat van Salisielsuur, ook bekend as aspirien. Daarom het dit sterk anti-inflammatoriese, pynstillende en anti-jeuk eienskappe, wat pyn en spierstyfheid vinnig verlig. Dit bevorder sirkulasie en help ook vir die verligting van boonste lugweg infeksie simptome, soos ‘n vaste bors of neusstuwing. Dit help vir jeuk, soos byvoorbeeld met waterpokkies.

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