HerbaZone Stress Control


HerbaZone Stress Control replaces Vit. B complex depleted by the body under stress conditions.


HerbaZone Stress Control assists you with relieving stress. An inevitable part of modern life, stress can exhaust natural defences, leaving the body susceptible to a wide range of health problems. Stress Control replaces Vit. B complex depleted by the body under stress conditions. The calming herbs, Chamomile and Melissa, help to relieve tension and anxiety.

Stres, ‘n onvermydelike deel van die moderne lewe, eis sy tol deur die liggaam se natuurlike verdedigingsmeganismes uit te put en die liggaam sodanig bloot te stel aan ‘n magdom gesondheidsprobleme. Stress Control bevat Vitamiene B kompleks, wat onder stres toestande grootliks uitgeput word. Die kalmerende kruie, Kamille en Melissa, help om spanning en angstigheid te verlig.

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